
Read your Way to Fluency


What is Tadoku

Tadoku simply means extensive reading.Tadoku Ai is an innovative platform that supports your Japanese reading journey. Tadoku Ai not only gives you things to read, it also teaches you how to read them.


How Does it Work

Tadoku is all about gaining language skill by reading as much as possible. In your native language you will remember a time when you first learned to read. The books were very basic but every few weeks your teacher or a parent would give you someting new, something a bit more challenging to read.

Tadoku Ai aims to recreate this experience

As a child learning to read in your native language, you had 1 major advantage over yourself now learning Japanese – by the time you learned to read, you already knew how to speak. You already knew all of the important words, so learning to read was actually just learning to recognise the written form of the words you could already understand


What Does it Do

📈 Progressive Difficulty

  • Its hard to know how and when to progress onto more difficult books and articles. Tadoku will manage your reading level for you and train you for more difficult texts, helping you from N5 through to N1 proficiency

📚 Vocabulary

  • The Tadoku Ai Advanced Vocabulary Tracking system can keep track of all the Japanese words you can read, and will teach you new words, allowing you to read the books and articles that interest you

🈯 Dynamic Kanji

  • Still reading in hiragana? We will automatically replace hiragana with kanji as you learn new characters, giving you a chance to naturally practise in context every day


How Can I Get It

Tadoku Ai is currently in active development. Enter your email below to be one of the first to try it!



We'll let you know when we have something ready for you!